Monday, January 24, 2011


I found the process of design to be very similar to that of writing a paper. You can brain storm in all directions as in Branching, you can pick a topic and revise as you go as in cyclical or just take a straight shot through (much like last minute papers). Though I realize that it is widely used I still can't help but feel that it is overly simplified and the process is a little more complicated, but then again I have yet to try it, and I suppose I can't dock it until I've at least given it a go. I do like that you must analyze all of the constraints and limitations before proceeding with a design though. It ensures that only the best product, space design will be developed, instead of haphazard pieces thrown together. Like I said though, it does seem fairly simple, if not too simple a process, but it also seems tedious especially in the research and conceptualizing stages.

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