Monday, February 28, 2011

Coleman Project Progression

Dream Team:

Where we are:
Though we are on track to making some crucial decisions, the group overall is still in the preliminary stages of the design process. We are especially keen on defining the potential users, and I believe that once we choose who we are marketing toward the rest will quickly fall in place. We have begun to look more toward the average suburban household and have done a little research on that target.

What I've been doing:
Overall I'd like to think that I've partially taken on a leadership role in the group; leading discussion, ensuring that everyone in the group has a voice (despite the loud conditions we're having to work in), and at least attempting to keep us on a track moving forward, though progress has been slow, which I can take responsibility for, having harped on the need to define our user in more detail, as well as getting ahead of ourselves before, by thinking up product concepts before we knew what the problem was. Really I fully believe that once we figure out our target audience, we will have leaps and bounds of progress that has lacked so far. We as a group need to make a decision.
I feel like we have a long way to go, and that I (especially) among others in the group could be putting more into it. Whether it be more work outside of the classroom or communicating better with the group, pulling everyone together outside to get more of this done, and on a better time table. For the most part I am enjoying the project's feel and the group as a whole.

What we've done:
Day 1 Brainstorming:
Mind map

Day 2 Brainstorming:

Goal of Session 3: Decide on target audience, start/finalize research, define demographics problems/needs, begin thinking up product concepts.

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