Sunday, March 13, 2011

Course Reflection: The End

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this class. The content was interesting and even the lectures piqued my interest (being a history buff). I was especially fond of the projects, though I felt like they could have used a little bit more structure to them. Not only did Gabe say that many would be emailing him right before they were due trying to figure out what to do, but I myself often thought where to start due to the lack of rules. I like how they are so open that you can do just about anything but at the same time I worried if what I was producing was what he was looking for. Had it been a little more structured (and by that I mean like one more rule, even a small one, per project) I feel like my confidence in my skills and my ideas would have been greater and that I may have been able to produce better finished products. Other than that, I wasn't fond of blogging at first, seeing as I'd kind of swore to myself to never do it, but as the quarter moved on I began to see it as something entirely different from my previous belief of people whining about their lives daily. It is a nice place to find ideas, designs, up and coming concepts and news on certain things, which I know follow. The books were alright, they did their job but I wasn't overly fond of reading them, some things were interesting, but the majority of it seemed to drone on. Lastly Gabe, you were a great professor, and even though I'm still thinking about going into industrial design, you've certainly put the idea of applying for interior in there as well. Final thoughts: I loved the class, the projects and experiences from it, and I hope that they've at least started me on the right track to one day becoming a designer.

Coleman Project: The Home Stretch


The team:

More or less our project consisted of making a clutter free area within the kitchen through the development of pots with collapsible handles which nested within each other. Big decisions made were the design of the lids and their handles (made in a rainbow shape allowing smaller lids to slide in beneath them and fit comfortably), the packaging to be made from canvas around a recyclable cardboard cylinder, and our kiosk to look like a tree showing off the product (subtly reminiscent of outdoorsmanship of Coleman). Overall the team worked fairly well together. There were a few bumps to begin with, but once we got a few key concepts settled out we effortlessly finished the project. Small qualms I had were that, one of our team members didn't show on the day of presenting, and promises made to develop and post said powerpoint in the drop box were not fulfilled with the deadline quickly approaching. Besides these problems our organization was fairly efficient as we split the work up produced our portions of the project, brought them back to the table, tweaked designs and finalized, utilizing with great success the drop box set up by Julia.
I began with a kind of self imposed role of group leader, motivating the group, ensuring that we stayed on track and that everyone was heard equally and without scrutiny throughout the process. In initial steps I brought the ideas of a static charged lamp as well as a blanket/duvet cover which could be adjusted by the layers of the Coletherm placed inside. These ideas did not make it to the final cutting board but the blanket had there been more to the idea was our second choice. As far as work done, I developed the logo and icon change, picked the color scheme that we would work with on our kiosk as well as the packaging and line's image. After initial ideas were brought back to the group, I helped Ben to finalize the kiosk in Photoshop, imposing wood and logos onto the kiosk. I then would also redesign/render the packaging in Photoshop from the initial designs and changes to create the final design. I also helped with cleaning up a few images for the powerpoint. The only thing that I can think to have done different would have been early involvement in the process. I'm more of a see what people have and then jump off their ideas or better it kind of person, so when we came back on the first two classes I brought nothing to the table from home, but while there created many ideas. Had I put more into it from home in the earlier steps we may have finished it faster with less hassle. Overall I'm very happy with the project, I feel it's far from finished, but since it is only a 200 level class I thought we did marvelous. Not to sound full of myself either but I feel like our project was a solution to a problem where as many other groups designed and found how the product may resolve issues. It was a great experience and I look forward to the many projects I'll hopefully have like this down the road.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project Progression: Parte Due

Last Progression

Team Members:

Where we are:
We are in the final stages of the process. Having made the decision in the last week to create pots with collapsible handles and packaging them in a recyclable cardboard cylinder with cloth stretched around it. Now we are making final renders from our preliminary sketches and bringing it all together in a powerpoint.

What I've been doing:
We split up the workload following the last meeting, each person took an aspect upon themselves, I chose to redesign the logo and icon of Coleman. On top of that design when we reconvened to work on the rendering and powerpoint I helped with speeding up the rendering process for the icon and kiosk in photoshop having previous skills. I will be finishing up with the final pictures of packaging. Though we are very close to being done (both in a deadline sense as well as our process) we still need to finish some of the product and packaging rendering. That may not sound like too much work but in actuality will still be quite a bit of work. On top of that we are pulling all of the pictures together in the powerpoint, and seeing as it is waiting on our work to be finished is still incomplete. But we should be finished if not today than tomorrow.
The entire group has been contributing, but deadlines and fully constructed works (sketches, renders, etc. ) have been a problem for a few of us. Overall though, we will finish on time and everyone has contributed.

Day Three Notes
Day Four Notes
Us working: